Take a look at the picture on the right. It’s a slide we share in our Four Decisions, public and private, one and two day Rockefeller Habits Workshops. Infrequently people question these results. They can’t believe these ratios and improvements are possible.
Strategic Discipline Blog
Topics: Business Growth, Great by Choice, fanatic discipline, Southwest Airlines
The Discipline Challenge – Rockefeller Habits Checklist
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Apr 1, 2013
What’s the problem with discipline? Repeatedly in this blog and in the works of Jim Collins in Good to Great, Great by Choice, How the Mighty Fal, Patrick Lencioni’s The Advantage, The Four Disciplines of Execution, and many other best practice and top thought leadership books we hear the principles of discipline continuously cited as critical to reaching success.
Topics: Discipline, Great by Choice, Businesss Disciplines, Rockefeller Habits Checklist, Alan Rudy
Topics: Strategic Discipline, Great by Choice, 10Xers, fanatic discipline, SMaC, 20 Mile March
Have You Defined What Not To Do – Great by Choice SMaC Recipe
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Mar 25, 2013
Topics: Great by Choice, 10Xers, fanatic discipline, SMaC Recipe, less is more, SMaC, Southwest Airlines
The greatest marketer and innovator on the planet returns to his former company, Apple, and what is his first step? In Great by Choice, Jim Collins uses Apple as one of the comparison companies. His research looked at 1972-2002, and Steve Jobs didn’t return to Apple until 1997. But consider Jobs’ first move:
Topics: Discipline, Great by Choice, Discipline Plan, best practices of growth companies, Best Business Practices, Rockefeller Habits Checklist, Steve Jobs
Can a simple Dashboard provide clarity for your organization? In The High Ground – Your Dashboard I provided an example of a business dashboard that contain both the quarterly priorities and key financial benchmarks for the company. These would include revenue, sales costs, Cost of Goods, Overhead Costs, Net Profit, Break-Even Analysis, Cost per Full-Time Equivalent, Cash Flow and Accounts Receivables. If you’d like to see this Excel example, send me an email with Sample Financial Dashboard in the subject line.
Topics: success criteria, Business Dashboards, The Advantage
Wouldn’t it be great to have a filter on your hiring and recruiting process that could tell you whether your candidates fit your business?
Topics: Core Values, Patrick Lencioni, Jim Collins, Business Vision, The Advantage, Business Culture
Jim Collins or Patrick Lencioni’s Vision of Core Values
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Mar 11, 2013
This morning during our monthly meeting one of my client’s debated their Core Values. A year ago they completed them and after reading Patrick Lencioni’s book The Advantage, the owner determined that it would make sense to revisit them based on the definitions of Core Values that Patrick Lencioni had defined in this book.
Topics: Core Values, Built to Last, Patrick Lencioni, Jim Collins, The Advantage
I’m a history lover and perhaps the story I offer today will not make the same point it made on me. Hopefully this Civil War recounting will help you understand the value of clarity, the importance of everyone’s oars moving in the same direction, and how despite setbacks you can achieve success through persistence and determination.
Topics: Accountability, Strategic Discipline, Strategy Statement, CSS Hunley
Positive Reinforcement – What & How You Say It (Biopsy Results)
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Mar 4, 2013
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, employee engagement, Employee Recognition, positive reinforcement, Q12, Gallup's Q12 Employee Engagement Survey