I love to write. Most people I’ve discovered, do not.
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Topics: business clarity, Innovation Process, Clarity, Innovation, Think Like Amazon, Amazon Narratives
It may be natural that two of my favorite stories from Good to Great and Great by Choice are two level five leaders who survived cancer, since overcoming Leukemia and going through a Bone Marrow Transplant have been a defining moment in my life. Much of my esteem for Intel’s Andy Grove is written in Great by Choice 10Xer’s Empirical Creativity – Andy Grove Intel. The blog outlines Grove’s approach to his discovery of prostate cancer. Instead of relying on others people for cues on how to proceed, Grove looked for empirical evidence/creativity. Empirical Evidence is one of the three Core Behaviors Collins found Great By Choice 10xers had in common. These behaviors help balance the continuous uncertainty they face, that they cannot control, cannot accurately predict, which are coupled with the significant aspects of the world around them, versus rejecting the idea that these forces outside their control or chance events determine their results; they accept full responsibility for their own fate.
Topics: Great by Choice, Clarity of Purpose, Level 5 Leadership, Level Five Ambition, Andy Grove, Darwin Smith, Clarity