You’re interviewing a candidate for a sales position. You like their responses to your questions, so you ask a typical question often required of sales candidates, “Sell me something!” In this case it's a jug of water on your desk.
Strategic Discipline Blog
Topics: Growth Summit, persaussion principles, Power of Persausion
Which do you feel is more important, for you to be liked or for you to like the person you are trying to sell? You may disagree with this next statement, but if you think about it I believe you will discover it is true. Praise is the only information accepted and valued as much as when it is true as when it is false. What’s the point of this? The point is that it’s not important for the other person to like you. What’s important is for you to like them. Whether I like you or not will not determine whether I make a purchase, but rather if you like me I will be more inclined to purchase.
Topics: Growth Summit, persaussion principles, Power of Persausion
Growth Summit cont. – Persuasion Principle #5 Consensus – Social Proof
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Sat, Dec 1, 2007
If you’ve stayed over night at a hotel recently most likely you’ve seen the signs that ask you to reuse towels. If you wonder how effective it is to provide proof that others are following what you are requesting you’ll find Dr. Cialdini’s recent work at hotels in the Phoenix area interesting.
Topics: Growth Summit, persausion principles, Power of Persausion
Growth Summit cont. – Persuasion Principle #4 Consistency
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Sat, Nov 24, 2007
Is your business reliant on the commitment that customers and prospects make to you? Do your customers and prospects make appointments and/or reservations and then too often fail to live up to their end of the agreement?
Topics: Growth Summit, persaussion principles, Power of Persausion
Growth Summit cont. – Persuasion Principle #2 Scarcity
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Sat, Nov 24, 2007

That’s exactly what BOSE discovered when they introduced a new wave sound system. So they approached Dr. Robert Cialdini to review their ad and give them advice. He agreed that the ad contained everything that a customer would want to know, but he suggested one change, the headline. Instead of announcing new, he suggested, “Hear what you’ve been missing.” The result? A 45% increase in leads generated.
Curious why that works? I am. He indicated it drew on Principle #2 of his persuasion principles, scarcity, or "if I can’t have it I want it. "
Topics: Growth Summit, persaussion principles, Power of Persausion
Growth Summit cont. – Persuasion Principle #3 Authority
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Sat, Nov 17, 2007
How do you establish credibility in a short period of time? To be seen as an expert you must show knowledge and be trustworthy. To build these takes time however. For Principle #3 Robert Cialdini suggests we learn from the experts – mass advertisers. They have 15 to 60 seconds to gain credibility when advertising, so how do they do it?
Topics: Growth Summit, persausion principles, Power of Persausion
Growth Summit – Dr. Robert B. Cialdini – Persuasion Principles
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Tue, Nov 13, 2007
You’ve just had a delicious meal at a fine restaurant, your waiter or waitress approaches to present you with the bill. What can he or she do to significantly increase the tip you will give them?
Topics: Growth Summit, Sales Discipline, Persausion Principle, Power of Persausion