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Strategic Discipline Blog

Good Jobs Strategy - People Are Not a Cost - They Are an Investment

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Oct 11, 2021

Many businesses fear paying high wages.

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Topics: People, People Decisions, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Culture, Rewards & Compensation, Scaling Up Compensation

Scaling Up Compensation - 5 Design Principles for Turning Your Largest Expense into a Strategic Advantage

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Oct 4, 2021

Scaling Up Compensation by Verne Harnish, and Sebastian Ross offers great examples of companies that have turned one of the most challenging and thorny issues a business can face into a strategic advantage.

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Topics: People, People Decisions, Business Culture, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Culture, Rewards & Compensation, Scaling Up Compensation

The Importance of Learning Hard & Soft Skills

Posted by Frank Hamilton on Mon, Sep 27, 2021

What’s the difference between hard and soft skills? Why is it important to develop both? Guest writer Frank Hamilton shares these important considerations.

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Topics: People, Leadership Training, Growing Your People, Worker Performance

Accountability - Avoid the Action Trap. Experiences & Beliefs Drive Actions & Results

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Sep 20, 2021

Several years ago, a CEO I worked with admitted he frequently failed to follow through on new initiatives he started.

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Topics: Accountability, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Propeller, Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right, Four Steps to Accountability, Results Pryamid, Experiences & Beliefs Drive Actions & Results

Accountability Step 4 - Do It

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Sep 13, 2021

According to research from The Four Disciplines of Executiona staggering 81 percent of employees surveyed are NOT held accountable for progress on the organization’s goals. Furthermore, goals are not translated into specific actions—87 percent had no clear idea what they should be doing to achieve the organization’s goal.

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Topics: Accountability, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Above the Line, Propeller, Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right, Do It, Four Steps to Accountability

Accountability – Solve it – What else can I do?

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Sep 6, 2021

“In today’s world, strategy is relatively easy to replicate, and capital is relatively easy to access. What gives you a real source of competitive advantage is your talent and culture.”

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Topics: Accountability, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Above the Line, Propeller, Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right, Solve It

Accountability Steps - Own it – Total Ownership

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Aug 30, 2021

Culture is the sum of the experiences, beliefs, and actions enabling an organization to achieve its Key Results.

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Topics: Accountability, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Propeller, Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right, Own it

Accountability - See it

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Aug 23, 2021

The steps to accountability are: See it. Own it. Solve it. Do it.

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Topics: Accountability, Above the Line, Propeller, Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right, Below the Line

Step to Accountability – Define Key Results

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Aug 16, 2021

“The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is successful ones know the most unprofitable thing ever manufactured is an excuse.”

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Topics: business clarity, Clarity, OKR - Objectives and Key Results, Propeller, Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right

Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right – Propeller

Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Aug 9, 2021

Do you need a mantra to improve accountability in your organization?

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Topics: Accountability, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Propeller, Accelerate Change by Getting Accountability Right

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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1. Priorities: Determine your #1 Priority. Achieve measurable progress in 90 days.

2. Metrics: Develop measurable Key Performance Indicators. 

3. Meetings: Establish effective meeting rhythms. (Cadence of Accountability)  Compounding the value of your priority and metrics. 

(BRAND PROMISE GUARANTEE): We will refund all compensation if our disciplined coaching and proprietary tools fail to meet your expectations.

Certified Gazelles Coach

Doug Wick, President

Positioning Systems


The Strategic Discipline Blog focuses on midsize business owners with a ravenous appetite to improve his or her leadership skills and business results.

Our 3 disciplines include:

- Priorities
- Metrics
- Meeting Rhythms

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