Attempting to find someone to fill a key position at your company after they’ve left is the worst time to do so.
Strategic Discipline Blog
Sourcing Talent - Best Methods for Finding Talent for Your Business
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Jun 13, 2013
Topics: Objective Management Group, Topgrading, hiring decisions, The Right People
Perhaps the most surprising results from the’s What Sales Winners Do Differently research were the top two things that winners do more often than second place finishers:
Topics: Sales Process, Objective Management Group, Sales Training, Sales Evaluation, What Sales Winners Do Differently,, Sales Candidate Assessment
Winners are more than twice as likely to create the perception that the overall value they offer is superior. When a second-place finisher doesn’t create this perception, it turns out it is the number one most important factor they needed to do differently in order to influence buyers to select them.
Topics: Sales Process, Objective Management Group, Sales Training, What Sales Winners Do Differently,, Sales Discipline
Connecting. In our monthly sales training with one of my clients we’ve established that building rapport, respect, trust and the relationship is the most important part of the sales process. The’s study What Sales Winners Do Differently includes tips and research that diminish this aspect of selling in today’s environment.
Topics: Sales Process, Sales Training, Sales Evaluation, What Sales Winners Do Differently, Sales Discipline, Connecting
Have you heard the news? Consultative Selling is Dead. This from an Inc Article, Why Consultative Doesn't Work. Not alone, Harvard Business Review issued an article in as much agreeing with this End of Solution Sales.
Topics: Sales Process, Dave Kurlan, Sales Training, Sales Discipline
Do you display your company’s Core Values in your business? Where? Does everyone in your company to see them on a regular basis each day? Do you have a War Room, or a public place where elements of your business like this, Strategy Statement, Core Purpose/Mission, Brand Promise are prominently on display?
Topics: Core Values, Core Purpose, Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the Wo, The Advantage, Business Culture, How to Motivate Employees
Solve Specific Problems With Employee Engagement Questions
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, May 22, 2013
Monday morning during the Collective Intelligence portion of one of my customers weekly meetings we engaged in asking the team specific questions from the Q12 Gallup Employee Engagement Processto help solve a specific issue on this company’s top priority for 2013.
Topics: employee engagement, collective intelligence, strategy, Q12, Gallup's Q12 Employee Engagement Survey
A customer complaint is a good thing. It means you know that you need do to something for improvement.
Topics: Customer Feedback, Net Promoter Score, employee engagement, customer service, customer satisfaction metrics, Qualitative Customer Feedback, customer loyalty
What’s you reason to gather customer feedback?
You are collecting customer feedback aren’t you?
Topics: The Ultimate Question, customer survey, Customer Feedback, customer service, customer survey questions, customer loyalty