My journey through Acute Myeloid Leukemia continues with Chapter V from CANCER CURED – The Most Powerful Force in the Universe
(Previous segments of CANCER CURED are available here: CANCER CURED BOOK -to read from the beginning you’ll need to scroll through to the bottom to find CANCER CURED – What do You Feed?, which is the first in the series.)This is Chapter V 6th and final segment from this chapter, The Most Powerful Force
The Most Powerful Force
Love is the most powerful force in the universe.
It is what created the universe.
Love is an elevated Emotion – the most powerful of all!
Ships have been launched, wars fought, battles won and lost, no force on earth is the result of more miracles or more disappointments than love.
Remarkably, we don’t have a greater awareness and focus on love as being the most powerful, first-moving influence in the universe.
Passion for another, whether it’s an idea, a man, or a woman, is true power. Power can lead to good or bad, when it is used for good, we see the miraculous results it can achieve.
Great companies have been born from love. Read George Washington’s biography, Napoleon Hill’s description of the founding fathers and you will see their love for an ideal, and a country. It allowed a small group of colonists with no organized militia to overcome the strongest Power in the world at that time.
Our founding fathers did everything to create the United States of America with an eye on how they would be judged by subsequent generations. Their concern for their legacy entered into every one of their decisions.
We’ve all heard reports of car accidents, children, or loved ones being trapped underneath a vehicle, and someone, usually a loved one, summoning a superpower of strength to lift the vehicle off the victim, to save their life.
This is the Power of Love in Action!
We’ve all been in love and know the Power this stirs in us. Some of us feel emotions stronger than others. Some refrain from showing emotions. Withholding emotions drain energy. Sharing your feelings risks being vulnerable. When we’re uncomfortable sharing love it’s due to fear of being hurt.
There is no way to emphasize the importance of the emotional power of love. It creates miracles. When I look back at my subsequent attempts to duplicate the miraculous gift God provided me, I recognize my greatest shortcoming is the depth of my love.
I loved Michelle(my wife), it’s the same depth, possibly greater than my love for God. My love provided the depth of emotion, the power required to transform my cancerous condition and dissolve it. You can’t separate our love for others from our love for God. My love for Michelle is from God. No matter what happened to me and our relationship at the time, my love for Michelle was real, and it was a powerful force that allowed me to energize miraculous forces to produce a cancer cure.
Just three and a half years after my cancer was cured, Michelle and I got divorced.
Was I living in an illusion?
If so, the illusion had power. The Power of Love!
The Power of Love works Miracles!
When I go back in time, to the time Michelle had rejected me and my marriage proposal (in 1993), I discovered this great love by reading and meditating. Most of my reading were spiritual and thought leaders on positive thinking, and Christian principles.
Before I began meditating and reading, my heart was in a constant state of emotional turmoil. I was stressed!
The most powerful of these books was entitled Meta Mortality - A Metaphysical Approach to the Ten Commandments by Eric Butterworth. It went into great depth on each commandment, with great emphasis on the first commandment and the importance of understanding its power and effect on your beliefs.
The author affirmed without understanding the importance of the first commandment, the remainder wouldn’t make sense and influence your life.
One night, during the period after Michelle’s rejection, I remember waking at about 2 or 3 in the morning. It felt like something was sitting on my chest, and yet it wasn’t hurting me, it was filling me. There wasn’t an aura or a color in my bedroom, it just felt like it. The feeling was incomprehensible. In that moment I was overcome with the capacity of God’s Love for me. It was as if everything in my body, but especially my heart could feel HIS love pouring into me and through me. I’ve never felt such a feeling of peace, harmony, purpose, or understanding about love.
From that moment on, I had no fear of losing Michelle or fear I would not be good enough for someone! I was aware God loved me infinitely. There was nothing I could do to earn his love, nor that I had to do to enjoy His love. I would never be without it.
I’ve not been able to sustain that feeling; however, at that time it allowed me to move forward and live differently, without constant worry and doubt about losing Michelle.
If darkness is the absence of light, then fear is the absence of love.
I don’t recall how much time passed between this event, and Michelle calling me, I just know it changed how I felt, and how I’ve felt from this day forward about God, his love for me, how this love encompasses us all and truly is here for everyone! This feeling of being loved only multiplied after my miraculous cure.
This was my 2nd marriage; I wanted to make sure it didn’t fail. I put my heart and soul into it.
I’m no expert on love or sustaining a loving relationship. I loved Michelle deeply. As you will discover from my outcome, it was emotion, my love for Michelle, that drove my desire to live. There wasn’t a more powerful force in my life driving me. I owe my life to my love for her, and my faith in God to deliver the result I hoped for.
In hindsight, there were many things I should have done differently in my marriage.
I do consider myself responsible. Unresolved conflicts, which I’m sure she had with me, and vice versa eventually led to her leaving.
There should have been time to discuss and resolve the issues, but there never was. Instead of confronting issues, I tried to escape. I chose to love her more and hoped she would realize one day my deep love and affection. As we say in my coaching, “hope is not a strategy!” Once you begin a pattern of denial it’s difficult to change.
Confrontation and conflict are hard in a marriage.
You may have heard this joke: What do you call two married people who never argue?
My sons will tell you; that Michelle and I argued. We just needed to argue more. What we didn’t argue about was the important stuff.
I stuffed that!
I’m sorry if this sounds like marriage counseling 101.
I truly loved Michelle, beyond her comprehension, my level of understanding, and how unrealistic it might have been compared to reality.
Perhaps this contributed to what transpired. This is the level of love it requires to create a miracle.
My love for Michelle fueled my desire to live!
Blinding faith, blinding love, a lack of fear, and a deep devotion to someone I truly wanted to please and whom I always desperately desired.
It was a passion for me. More passionate and consuming than anything in my life.
It caused me to ignore my friends, and my oldest son, Dan, to do whatever I could to ensure my marriage remained intact.
This deep consuming love I believe is the most powerful force in the universe.
It yields the Power to produce miracles.
I was so rooted in my love for Michelle, that an outpouring of love I could never have imagined cascaded into my life in prayers, dedication, devotion, and love from others. As you will see, a lot of people contributed to my miracle. I cannot deny the influence, energy, and encouragement it provided me to have the faith to produce a miracle.
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In the final scene of the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” George Bailey receives an outpouring of love in donations from his friends and family. It’s a teary-eyed moment. I have too many people to thank, one of them includes my now ex-wife. That story in my next blog – Support
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