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CANCER CURED CHAPTER V – Can I Change My World by My Thoughts?

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jan 20, 2025

My journey through Acute Myeloid Leukemia continues with Chapter V from CANCER CURED – The Most Powerful Force in the Universe

(Previous segments of CANCER CURED are available here:  CANCER CURED BOOK -to read these from the beginning you’ll need to scroll through to the bottom to find CANCER CURED – What do You Feed? which is the first in the series.)

This is Chapter V – The Most Powerful Force in the Universe. This segment is the 3rd section, Can I Change My World by My Thoughts?

Can I change my world by my thoughts?

I believe all my past shortfalls could be traced, at their root, to one major oversight: I’d not commit to living by the truth: “My thoughts have consequences so great they create my reality.”

This quote comes from Dr. Joe Dispensa.My thoughts have consequences so great they create my relaity - dr. joe dispensa

You may remember learning of the “old-school” classical Newtonian version of an atom. The focus is primarily on the material. Reading Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, I discovered nothing could be further from the truth in the quantum model.

Atoms are mostly empty space; atoms are energy.

Think about this: everything physical in your life is not solid matter—rather, it’s all fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. All matter is more “no thing” (energy) than “some thing” (particles).

When you understand this, you begin to realize how much time we spend focusing on the material world, when our life is absorbed on the wrong things.

The diagram below, and the corresponding reading in Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself stirred a realization in my spiritual understanding, my life is beyond the physical. It made me realize I’d spent all my time in the physical realm when the physical is only .00001 percent real.

Figure 1A The Classical Atom (Breaking the Habit of Being Yours


Figure 1B. The “new-school” quantum version of an atom with an electron cloud.

The atom is 99.99999 percent energy and .00001 percent matter. It’s just about nothing, materially.





Meditating each day helped me realize how to slow down and enjoy life without being in life and the demands we place on ourselves. The doctors and nurses were upset with me. Even a few of my friends couldn’t get in to see me because of the signs placed on my hospital door to prevent anyone from interrupting a meeting, or mediation.

Someone else would put more value on making sure their friends visited them. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy seeing friends and family. I did, always. I’m someone who likes to make my plan and then work on my plan. Most of the time in the hospital I was limited to how much outside contact I could have due to my reduced immune system. Working by phone and video conference with my customers, I planned my days to include scheduled time for my meditations. Exploring my inner world through meditation was something I looked forward to.

Figure 1C & 1B Real Quantum Atom - Quantum Atom (Breaking the H

Figure 1D Collapsing Wave Function (Breaking the Habit)

Figure 1D. The electron exists as a wave of probability in one moment, and then in the next moment appears as a solid particle, then disappears into nothing, and then reappears at another location.

If you’ve meditated, you know the feeling of getting outside your body, to be aware of only your breathing, and to leave your body behind. I’d had pneumonia, challenges breathing regularly, coughing exhaustively, and yet when I meditated, those issues fell away for an hour or more, and I lived as if I were totally free of these ailments. (It wasn’t always completely free. It was harder to breathe whether meditating or not, however, the symptoms became infinitely better when I slowed my metabolism down during meditation.)

Meditation is liberating, from physical and mental negativity. It’s a feeling of floating, being unobstructed, free! The ‘Water Rising’ meditation audio always provided the deepest, most relaxing, and powerful meditative state.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - To understand how the world works, we had to look to its tiniest components.Suddenly for me, it was much easier to understand God’s universal power and the Power Jesus shared when He was here on earth. I believe Jesus tapped into the 99.99999 percent energy to release the miracles He achieved. All the miracles in the bible, any miracle, are the result of this magnifying power of concentration, focus, belief/faith, and elevated emotions.

Perhaps the most emancipating part of my meditation was understanding I didn’t need to create the event. The miracle with Michelle didn’t require me to send her letters, court her, follow her, or do anything at all. In retrospect, until I’d stopped doing those things, I was trying to play God.

“Never try to help God fulfill his Word.” ~ Oswald Chambers

In the bible, Abraham, and Sara, tried to do this by having Abraham lie with Sarah's handmaiden Hagar. They were impatient for the promise God had given Abram.

It was only when Sara and Abraham quit trying and put their trust in God, that He delivered their son Isaac to them.

One of my biggest challenges is my impatience. Standing in line makes me impatient. Waiting for anyone, or being put on hold, can, if too lengthy, make me temperamental.

I can’t provide a reasonable answer to you to share why I felt confident, and why I wasn’t impatient for the answer I felt was coming.

Let me attempt to explain this from a scientific view of quantum physics.

Everything in the physical universe is made up of subatomic particles such as electrons. By their very nature, these particles, when they exist as pure potential, are in their wave state while they are not being observed. They are potentially “every thing” and “no thing” until they are observed. They exist everywhere and nowhere until they are observed. Thus, everything in our physical reality exists as pure potential.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being.-1If subatomic particles can exist in an infinite number of possible places simultaneously, we are potentially capable of collapsing into existence an infinite number of possible realities. In other words, if you can imagine a future event in your life based on any one of your personal desires, that reality already exists as a possibility in the quantum field, waiting to be observed by you. If your mind can influence the appearance of an electron, then theoretically it can influence the appearance of any possibility.

This means that the quantum field contains a reality in which you are healthy, wealthy, and happy, and possess all the qualities and capabilities of the idealized self that you hold in your thoughts.

Stay with me and you will see with willful attention, sincere application of new knowledge, and repeated daily efforts, you can use your mind, as the observer, to collapse quantum particles and organize a vast number of subatomic waves of probability into a desired physical event called an experience in your life.

Like clay, the energy of infinite possibilities is shaped by consciousness: your mind. And if all matter is made of energy, it makes sense that consciousness (“mind,” in this case, as Newton and Descartes called it) and energy (“matter,” according to the quantum model) are so intimately related that they are one. Mind and matter are completely entangled. Your consciousness (mind) has effects on energy (matter) because your consciousness is energy, and energy has consciousness. You are powerful enough to influence matter because, at the most elementary level, you are energy with a consciousness. You are mindful matter.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - What quantum physicists discovered was that the person observing (or measuring) the tiny particles that make up atoms affects the behavior of energy and matter.-1In the quantum model, the physical universe is an immaterial, interconnected, unified field of information, potentially “every thing” but physically “no thing.” The quantum universe is just waiting for a conscious observer (you or me) to come along and influence energy in the form of potential matter by using the mind and consciousness (which are themselves energy) to make waves of energetic probabilities coalesce into physical matter. Just as the wave of possibility of the electron manifests as a particle within a specific momentary event, we observers cause a particle or groups of particles to manifest physical experiences in the form of events in our lives.

This is crucial to understanding how you can cause an effect or make a change in your life. When you learn how to sharpen your skills of observation to intentionally affect your destiny, you are well on your way toward living the ideal version of your life by becoming the idealized version of yourself.

You, like all of us, broadcast a distinct energy pattern or signature. Everything material is always emitting specific patterns of energy. And this energy carries information. Your fluctuating states of mind consciously or unconsciously change that signature on a moment-to-moment basis because you are more than just a physical body; you are a consciousness using a body and a brain to express different levels of mind.

If you’ve watched the movie Oppenheimer, the inspiration for many of his findings and discoveries for the atomic bomb, came from his study of quantum physics, which was in its earliest stage of authentication.

I’m not expecting you to understand all this in one reading. The first thing I recognized was the spiritual aspect of myself and the universe. Suddenly how God could create the universe out of nothing made sense to me.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - When we combine an elevated emotion with an open heart and a conscious intention with clear thought, we signal the field to respond in amazing ways.Creation is an ongoing process we are all capable of achieving.

Go back and read the quote at the beginning of this chapter. When you read it the first time, did you believe it? Do you believe it now?

Jane Dunlap’s quote is like Marianne Williamson’s quote:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is
that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness
that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, and fabulous." Actually, who are you NOT to be?
Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that others won't feel insecure around
you. We are born to manifest the glory that is within us. It is in
everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own
fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - The reason why your prayers were hardly ever answeredHow do we learn to trust someone?

How badly we want something, coupled with our faith in its existence, and its creation, provides the miracle we expect.

Conversely, bad things happen to people for the very same reason. Thoughts are things.

What I realized is, that I hadn’t completely given my survival emotion “selfish self-pity” to God, and more importantly I’d failed to materialize my new future, the new me, and my new healthy cancer-cured vision.

When I returned to the hospital to prepare for my clinical trial, I was prepared to renew my meditation practice with greater resolve, intensity, and emotion.

From late June to the first several days of July, my meditations took on a new development.

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Growth demands Strategic Discipline.

Ghandi - His Triumph Changed the World Forever This chapter is about the most powerful force in the Universe. I feel that force is Love, represented by Universal Power, and how we share our love with others. We’ll explore this next blog from Chapter V of Cancer Cured – Greatness Is Holding Fast to a Dream, Independent of the Environment.

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NEXT BLOG – CANCER CURED CHAPTER V – Ignoring Reality: Greatness Is Holding Fast to a Dream, Independent of the Environment.

Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose, Cancer Cured, Dr. Joe Dispensa, CANCER CURED BOOK

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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Positioning Systems


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