Freedom. It’s what almost everyone wants, whether it’s your staff, leadership team or you.
Strategic Discipline Blog
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Strategic Discipline, One Thing, Organizational Health
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Accountability, Strategic Discipline, Pearsons Law, Organizational Health, The Advantage
Yesterday started with good news as I got my blood work done at St Luke’s Physician Clinic in Cedar Rapids, the numbers all came back well above the point where I need a transfusion. Then Dr. Hosne Begum stopped in to say, “You’re Amazing!” And then added, “And your wife is more amazing!” I’d handled the fever well and despite being diagnosed with pneumonia through a CAT scan I still feel very good.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, leukemia, Strategic Discipline, Bone Marrow Transplant, Stockdale Paradox, Mono Somy 7, Michelle Wick
Discernment should be a gift we all have with the talent to use it wisely. One of the greatest challenges we face is how and where we spend our time.
Topics: Discipline, Acute Myeloid Luekemia, priorities, precision and specificity
Brand Ideals - A 400% ROI - Identify Your Competitive Advantage
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, May 24, 2012
In our last blog Grow Author Jim Stengel “Great Leadership Follow Common Practices” we discussed the five leadership practices great leaders follow and learned: Maximum growth and high ideals are not incompatible. They’re inseparable.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Business Growth, leadership, Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the Wo, The Advantage, competitive advantage
One of the things I’ve prided myself on is carrying a good attitude and being positive no matter what this AML brought. Laugh, joke, smile and be thankful to the people who care for you and always expect the best. Always!!
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, employee engagement, Balanced Priorities, productivity, Balance, Balanced Metrics, Michelle Wick
Over the past two weeks Bob Bloom, author of the Inside Advantage and the New Experts met with two of my clients who are focusing on growing their sales and revenue for 2012.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, One Page Strategic Plan, The Inside Advantage, strategy, consistently execute, Alignment
In today’s world the consumer has turned the tables. Today’s consumer is in a position of power in just about every purchase transaction. That’s just part of the insight you’ll get by reading Bob Bloom’s The New Experts. Bob’s Blog on Five Most Serious Challenges CEO’s face in 2011 will give you quick insight into the consequences this shift in consumer awareness means to your business. I’m afraid these challenges remain for most CEO’s in 2012 as well.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, The Inside Advantage, strategy, Brand Promise, Differentiation, The New Experts
Those of you who read A Lesson from Good To Great Stockdale Paradox – 3rd Biopsy Results know the results from my third biopsy were not what I’d hoped. Thursday evening late I got more bad news about the results from my fourth biopsy. What the doctors had hoped would happen, the good blood cells would return faster and denser than the leukemia did not occur. In fact the mass in my bone marrow increased to 20%, however the Leukemia cells (blast) increased from 71% of the cells to 82%.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Strategic Discipline, One Thing, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, The Inside Advantage, strategy, Stockdale Paradox, Mono Somy 7
A Lesson from Good To Great Stockdale Paradox – 3rd Biopsy Results
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Fri, Mar 30, 2012
Topics: Good to Great, Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Customer Feedback, Employee Feedback, meeting rhythms, Stockdale Paradox