In The Fuel for High Performing Teams, we shared the critical factor for driving high performance. Culture has been said to eat strategy for lunch.
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Topics: human behavior, Q12, human behavior performance, Gallup's Q12 Employee Engagement Survey, Culture
In Innovation Obstacle - Is Your Team “Licking the Cookie?” we shared how Intuit drives innovation by incentivizing its team.
Read MoreTopics: People, The Right People, Innovation, Bonus and Incentives, Unlocking the Customer Value Chain, Thales Teixeira
Topics: Innovation, Customer Value Chain, Unlocking the Customer Value Chain, Resource-Centric, Customer-Centric, Thales Teixeira, Innovation-Customer Needs Alignment
Resource-Centric or Customer-Centric - Why Disruption Happens
Posted by Douglas Wick on Mon, Jun 27, 2022
Inflation, high gas prices, COVID, disruption. There’s one common theme in deciding who wins and who loses in business. The business serving its customers best wins.
Read MoreTopics: Innovation, Customer Value Chain, Unlocking the Customer Value Chain, Resource-Centric, Customer-Centric, Thales Teixeira, Know Your Customer, Netflix
Topics: BHAG, Innovation Process, Innovation, The Obstacle Is the Way
Topics: Patrick Lencioni, 3HAG WAY, Metronomics, Shannon Byrne Susko, Great Teams
Growth is never a straight line to your BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOAL or your 3HAG. It looks more like this picture Shannon Byrne Susko shared two weeks ago at our Metronomics Coaches Conference in San Diego.
Read MoreTopics: Culture, 3HAG WAY, Growth Framework, Cultural System, Cohesive System, Human System, Metronomics
Ten years ago today I was in the middle of spending 7 months in a hospital, hoping to survive Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Memorial Day came early that year, and I wrote a blog at home since I was given a reprieve and allowed to spend time at home for the holiday weekend. You can read it Brand Ideals - A 400% ROI - Identify Your Competitive Advantage.
Read MoreTopics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, One Thing, Stockdale Paradox, Cancer Cured
Many leaders find it difficult to admit their mistakes. They feel when they make mistakes, they are more vulnerable, risk losing respect, and the authority they need to lead.
Read MoreTopics: change, Effective Leadership, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Leadership Decisions, Mistakes, Change Your Culture
A moment working with a customer stands out as a reminder of what the best leaders do. It’s revealed in Good to Great, and it occupies a chapter in the book I just finished CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest, by McKinsey senior partners Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller, and Vikram Malhotra.
Read MoreTopics: Good to Great, Bringing Out the Best In People, Level 5 Leadership, Best in the World at, CEO Leadership Focus, CEO Excellence