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Strategic Discipline Blog

CANCER CURED – CHAPTER III - Spontaneous Remission

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Oct 21, 2024

My journey through Acute Myeloid Leukemia continues with Chapter III from CANCER CURED - Why Did I get Cancer?

(Previous segments from CANCER CURED are available here: CANCER CURED – What do You Feed?, CANCER CURED - Fear Not - TURNING POINT, CANCER CURED - CHAPTER II - LIFE INSURANCE, CANCER CURED - Texting – A New Environment, Refractory Period - Monosomy 7 – Doug Loves a Challenge, CANCER CURED – CHAPTER III - Why did I get Cancer?)

This is the second section of Chapter III

Spontaneous Remission

Life, I feel, is a journey to explore and discover how we can fulfill the creator’s intentions. I believe we are all part of the “One.” The Creator’s intention is immersed in all of us, and by pursuing our purpose, we bring harmony into the world following this intuitive intent our Universal Power breathes into us.

As I searched to make sense of my cancer, I discovered, that without accepting responsibility for it, I don’t believe I would still be here. The more I searched for reasons the more I discovered accepting responsibility is intimately tied to why my remission occurred.

Audio from Dr. Joe Dispensa shared his research into spontaneous healings and remissions. He discovered after years of interviewing people who had experienced spontaneous remissions and healings, that most of these individuals had four specific qualities in common. Dispensa calls them coincidences. What isn’t coincidental is all the people he studied who had spontaneous remissions experienced each of these four elements.

Coincidence #1: An Gives Us Life and Can Heal the Body. There is something that gives us this life and there’s nothing mystical about spirituality. It’s consciousness; it’s intelligence that keeps your heart beating. Two gallons of blood per minute, a hundred gallons of blood in an hour, a hundred-thousand times in one day through sixty thousand miles of blood vessels. How Did I Get Here - Make it Unbelievable Something gives us life. There is a mind that is so much greater than our mind that has a will so much greater than our will. And has love for life that’s so much greater than our love for life, our personality-self. And when our will matches its will, when our mind matches its mind, and when our love for life matches its love for us, or for life, that’s when it begins to respond.

God’s love, the Creator, the Universe, whatever it is that is your Divine Power is universally responsible for all healing. If you are unable to believe in a Higher Power who loves you more than you can imagine then the book and my witness will never provide you with the solution you seek. For the purposes of finding healing, I firmly believe you cannot find healing without believing in this Supreme Presence that guides us and leads all of us to good!  

This consciousness loves us so much that it allows us our free will. If we insist on suffering, it gives life to reinforce our suffering. If we insist on joy, it organizes our bodies and our life in ways that match who we are being. This is the first thing they had in common.

Coincidence #2: Thoughts Are Real; Thoughts Directly Affect the Body They all understood it was their own mismanagement of their thoughts and reactions that created their disease. (They accepted responsibility for their current situation.)

We live in two states of mind: we live in survival or creation. When we live in those states of anger, aggression, hatred, judgment, fear, anxiety, insecurity, pain, suffering or depression, it’s those chemicals created from the chemicals of stress or survival that activate those states of mind. It’s the redundancy of those chemicals or the chemicals that push the genetic buttons that begin to cause disease.

Every time we have a thought, we make a chemical. If we have a great thought, or, if we have an unlimited thought, we make chemicals that make us feel great or feel unlimited. If we have negative thoughts or self-deprecating thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel negative or unworthy. This immaterial thing called thought fires a set of circuits in the brain that produces a chemical to signal the body for us to feel exactly the way we’re just thinking.

The moment we feel the way we think, we begin to think the way we feel, which produces more chemicals for us to think (This creates a big loop.) the way we feel. This loop, the cycle of thinking and feeling, and feeling and thinking creates what Dispensa calls a “state of being.”  

It’s the cycle of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking over time that begins to condition the body to memorize that emotional state better than the conscious mind.

Coincidence #3: We Can Reinvent Ourselves All believed, “I gotta become somebody else – I can’t be this miserable victim for the rest of my life. I got to become somebody else.”

The moment they did they started to ask themselves some very important questions. Questions most people don’t have time to think about. Like:

  • What would it be like to be a happy person?
  • Who do I know in my life that’s happy?
  • What would I change about my life to live in Joy?
  • Who in history do I admire that was great?
  • At what point did I lose it? And believe that this is who I am?

The moment we ask these questions, the frontal lobe turns on.

These people made this every single day the most important thing: Gave up social engagements, TV, deciding instead that they were going to mentally rehearse the Greatest Ideal of themselves every day. And as long as they kept doing it every day, what happens? It lights up that part of the brain and it becomes more sustainable, providing a platform for who they are going to become in the future.

Coincidence #4: We Are Capable of Paying Attention So Well That We Can Lose Track of Relative Space and Time They became so involved in what they were doing, when they lifted up their eyes, opened eyes, turned the light on in the room, it was two hours later, and it only seemed like it had been 5 minutes.

They got so involved in what they were doing they lost feedback from the body, lost feedback from the environment, and time. The moment this happens you move into the quantum field, it’s the moment when we re-pattern our brain.

When you make new patterns in your brain, you suddenly see the world differently. You become a new personality, and this new personality allows you to change the patterns in your life and achieve spontaneous remission.

The central theme of Coincidence Number 2 is thoughts are real. We create our thoughts, and in doing so, we are responsible for creating our lives and manifesting outcomes due to our thoughts.

In Carol Quinn’s “Don’t Hire Anyone Without Me” when she describes Locus of Control, she shares how people who have an external locus of control refuse to accept they are responsible. They retreat into irresponsibility, blaming the world and others for their situations.

That’s not the world I wish to live in.

My journey to discover why, turned into a search for greater meaning, purpose, and eventually a cure.

I didn’t realize until after my cancer was gone, I had followed these same steps.

Let me share and explore examples of my curiosity and my “overdeveloped” sense of responsibility to make sense of a world that too often fails to make sense.

There can be a dark side to being overly responsible. (we explore this next blog)

Your Call to Action

Challenge your team, your business, yourself. I’m Doug Wick, I inspire and ignite purpose and passion in your business!   To create an environment where everyone is inspired to give their best, contact Positioning Systems to schedule a free exploratory meeting.

Growth demands Strategic Discipline.

3D person looking in a mirror - isolated over a white backgroundDo you question your capabilities and worth, and whether you deserve the good or bad that happens to you? Next blog we’ll explore my limited, worst-case scenario thoughts in The Darkside – Guilt, Shame & Blame as Chapter III of CANCER CURED continues.

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NEXT BLOG – CANCER CURED – CHAPTER III - The Darkside – Guilt, Shame & Blameself-esteem-resized-600


Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, cancer, Cancer Cured, Monosomy 7, CANCER CURED BOOK, Spontaneous Remission

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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Positioning Systems


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