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Strategic Discipline Blog

Douglas A Wick

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Alcoa’s Key to Safety Success: Communication & Keystone Habit

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Sep 18, 2014

We’ve discussed Paul O’Neill’s plan for getting to zero injuries previously in One Thing: Are Meeting Rhythms Keystone Habits? And Would You Fire Someone for Violating Your Core Values?  The safety emphasis entailed the most radical realignment in Alcoa’s history. O’Neill believed the key to protecting Alcoa employees, is understanding why injuries happen in the first place.

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Topics: Pearsons Law, habits, The Power of Habit, routine

Would You Fire Someone for Violating Your Core Values?

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Sep 15, 2014

May 1996, Paul O’Neil, (discussed in One Thing: Are Meeting Rhythms Keystone Habits?) had been at Alcoa for a decade.  His leadership is studied at Harvard Business School and Kennedy School of Government, he’s mentioned as a candidate for commerce secretary or secretary of defense, the employees and union give him high marks.  Alcoa’s stock price has risen over 200%.  He’s an acknowledged success.

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Topics: Business Growth, Top Priority, Core Values, habits, Business Culture, Keystone Habit

One Thing: Are Meeting Rhythms Keystone Habits?

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Sep 11, 2014

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Topics: Business Growth, One Thing, meeting rhythms, The Power of Habit, routine, Keystone Habit

Another Look at Employee Performance Appraisals

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Sep 8, 2014

Ever since reading Bringing Out the Best in People by Aubrey Daniels I’ve been a big fan of his techniques for improving work performance.  A recent blog by Aubrey Daniels,  6 Things To Do Instead of Performance Appraisals, offers his insights why performance appraisals are a poor investment for improving business performance.

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Topics: employee engagement, employee performance, People, People Decisions, Aubrey Daniels, performance

Effective Quarterly Meeting Planning

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Sep 4, 2014

What does an effective quarterly meeting look like?

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Topics: quarterly meetings, meeting rhythms, best practices of growth companies, meetings

Confidence Part II

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Tue, Sep 2, 2014

We spoke on confidence before in Where Does Confidence Come From? Giving Positive Reinforcement.  A reader posted a comment to LinkedIn reminding me of another place where confidence comes from.

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Topics: quarterly meetings, Coach Advisor, Catalyst, positive reinforcement, confidence, mentor

Want To or How To: People & Core Purpose

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Aug 28, 2014

What’s more important?  Want to or how to? 

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Topics: Business Growth, People, Core Purpose, Business Culture


Posted by Douglas A Wick on Sat, Aug 23, 2014

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Topics: employee engagement, Business Growth, Leadership Training, leadership, effective delegation

Where Does Confidence Come From? Giving Positive Reinforcement

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Aug 21, 2014

What happens to your brain, when it gets to think about something hard?

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Topics: Employee Feedback, employee engagement, positive reinforcement, confidence, precision and specificity

Winners Never Cheat – Why Jon Huntsman Became Rich and Gives so Much

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Aug 18, 2014

Why does a self-made multi-billionaire choose to give so much to charitable, education, and health organizations? Why is giving Jon Huntsman’s favorite topic?

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Topics: Business Growth, Give and Take, cancer, Philanthropy

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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Positioning Systems Brand Promise

1. Priorities: Determine your #1 Priority. Achieve measurable progress in 90 days.

2. Metrics: Develop measurable Key Performance Indicators. 

3. Meetings: Establish effective meeting rhythms. (Cadence of Accountability)  Compounding the value of your priority and metrics. 

(BRAND PROMISE GUARANTEE): We will refund all compensation if our disciplined coaching and proprietary tools fail to meet your expectations.

Certified Gazelles Coach

Doug Wick, President

Positioning Systems


The Strategic Discipline Blog focuses on midsize business owners with a ravenous appetite to improve his or her leadership skills and business results.

Our 3 disciplines include:

- Priorities
- Metrics
- Meeting Rhythms

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