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Strategic Discipline Blog

Douglas A Wick

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Green You Grow, Ripe You Rot - Leadership Discipline Requirement

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Mar 24, 2011

Last blog, Tortoise or Hare, Which Discipline do you Follow, we discussed three fundamental principles for sustaining high performance.  Let’s look at the first principle, that we cannot expect growth or improvement in any dimension of our lives without intentionally and regularly challenging our current capacity.

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Topics: leadership, use of energy, stress

Tortoise or Hare, Which Discipline do you Follow?

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Mar 21, 2011

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Topics: employee performance, human behavior, rhythm, The Power of Full Engagement

Discipline Can Offend

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, Mar 16, 2011

I’m on vacation this week and thought I’d direct you to a couple of blogs and an interesting video that may directly or indirectly offend some people.   I thought about discussing political correctness however that is a blog that could go on for quite some time and I’d miss my plane this afternoon.  The blogs stress getting the right people and how discipline in choosing the right people can dramatically influence productivity.

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Topics: Discipline, productivity, The Right People

Tired of Questions – Leadership Discipline

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Mar 14, 2011

One of my clients reminded me this week of an important leadership lesson.  Quit answering your subordinate’s questions.  I’ve blogged on this before The Problem with being the Chief Problem Solver, yet it bears repeating.  My client had one of his managers ask him “what should I do?”  Many leaders and managers would immediately provide an answer.  It’s fast, painless, and allows you to move on to your own issues.  Yet what does that teach?  What’s more what does it continue to do? 

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Topics: Discipline, leadership, meeting rhythms, questions

Decision Paralysis – The Power of One Thing

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, Mar 9, 2011

Suppose you or one of your parents suffers from chronic hip pain caused by arthritis.  Drugs to treat the pain no longer provide relief.  The option becomes hip replacement surgery, invasive surgery that requires slicing open the thigh, wrenching the bone out of the socket, sawing off the arthritic end and replacing it with an implant.  In addition recovery from this surgery is long and painful. 

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Topics: Decision Paralysis, One Thing, Switch, Four Decisions

Discipline – What the Hell’s Going On?

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Mar 7, 2011

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Topics: Discipline, Strategic Discipline, Multipliers, Rockefeller Habits Checklist

Multipliers Are A Players – An A Player is Not Necessarily a Multiplier

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, Mar 2, 2011

In my recent blog “Few Set the Bar At A Level” and newsletter “Make Your People Accountable” we discussed Topgrading and the importance of developing scorecards for each of your company positions.  This is important to raise expectations not only for new employees but your current staff as well.  A recent blog from the Sales Benchmark Index points out the value in screening for A Players by using Topgrading’s Career History form with all candidates.  Check out Does my initial application focus on 'A' players? to learn how the Career History form identifies potential A Players.

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Topics: A Players, Two Day Rockefeller Habits Workshop, Topgrading, Multipliers

Few Set the Bar at A Level

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Feb 28, 2011

It’s possibly one of the most damning statements that can be made about a person or business.  It’s the equivalent of Jim Collins, “Good is the enemy of great.”

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Topics: Accountability, A Players, Topgrading, The Power of Full Engagement, A Level

ONE THING Leads to 100% January Revenue Growth

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Feb 14, 2011

A singular focus [One Thing] can have a profound effect on your business.  In April of last year one of my clients [name withheld to protect business secrets] had Positioning Systems come to his office in California to conduct our Two Day Rockefeller Habits Workshop.  At the time their business was lagging 7% behind the previous year and struggling to get traction.   Among the many ideas and actions that had an immediate impact was to go through the Strength Based Leadership Test and identify where his executive talents were.  At the time the business was struggling to execute in the field and we identified several of the executive that had execution themes, reassigned them to positions were they could have the greatest affect and influence on the business.  We reassigned others based on their top themes and the results were almost immediate and dramatic.  By year end they turned their 7% decline into a 15% gain for the year.

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Topics: Strategic Discipline, One Thing, meeting rhythms, priorities, metrics, Two Day Rockefeller Habits Workshop, Strength Based Leadership

The Right People – Your Accountability

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Feb 10, 2011

Last blog I discussed the importance of rituals and routines in developing accountability.  A recent article in the New York Times caught my attention since it focused on successful companies and the importance of getting the right people to make a business great.  People decisions are extremely important to making your business successful, and too often we fail to recognize how keeping the wrong people in our business holds us back.  We don’t see this as a piece of the accountability puzzle.  

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Topics: Discipline, Good to Great, Accountability, People, The Right People

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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1. Priorities: Determine your #1 Priority. Achieve measurable progress in 90 days.

2. Metrics: Develop measurable Key Performance Indicators. 

3. Meetings: Establish effective meeting rhythms. (Cadence of Accountability)  Compounding the value of your priority and metrics. 

(BRAND PROMISE GUARANTEE): We will refund all compensation if our disciplined coaching and proprietary tools fail to meet your expectations.

Certified Gazelles Coach

Doug Wick, President

Positioning Systems


The Strategic Discipline Blog focuses on midsize business owners with a ravenous appetite to improve his or her leadership skills and business results.

Our 3 disciplines include:

- Priorities
- Metrics
- Meeting Rhythms

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