Do you look forward to meetings?
Listening to Good to Great again I heard Collins mention that people in the Good to Great companies actually enjoyed and looked forward to going to meetings? Knowing what you know about meetings why would they say that?
Most of us spend a good deal of time at work. Collins is often questioned on whether you can have a great business and still have a great life.
In our Gazelles and Strategic Discipline Coaching we insist that our clients focus on the People principle. It’s the, “First who than what” concept. Collins points out that adherence to the first who than what principle is the closet link between a great company and a great life. If we spend the vast majority of our time with people we love and respect, that is people we enjoying being on the bus with [This is a fundamental results of the Right People], then we will almost certainly have a great life, no matter where the bus goes. In the Good to Great companies people loved what they did because they loved who they did it with.
Does that give you pause? Think about your meetings. Do you look forward to them? Why or why not? When meeting rhythms are structured correctly, including the Strategic Disciplines for priorities and metrics, meetings can be quick, enlightening, uplifting, penetrating, conclusive, and results oriented.
Do you not look forward to your meetings because of their lack of structure or focus? Or is it because of the people who participate? If it’s the latter, perhaps it’s time you took a look at who you have on the bus and perform a Topgrading Grade Your Team Exercise.