Having recently completed several quarterly planning meetings I thought I would share the four purposes for doing Quarterly Planning. In my upcoming October newsletter I’ll be reviewing some of the results my clients have achieved through their efforts to do effective Quarterly Plans. You can access many of Positioning Systems previous newsletters here.
Strategic Discipline Blog
Topics: quarterly meetings, Annual Plan, Organizational Health, top priorities
How Companies Win – Prepare for A Demand-Driven Economy
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Oct 15, 2012
Learning, Growing and Planning. It’s a crucial element of our Gazelles business coaching practices. Companies that continue to grow look at education, training and learning as a competitive advantage.
Topics: Business Growth, Growth Summit, Growth Summit. Learning, Demand Based Economy
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Strategic Discipline, meeting rhythms, Four Decisions, priorities, metrics, Stockdale Paradox
Most of us enjoy a good sandwich. You probably even have your favorite sandwich, and favorite place to eat it. A favorite method of constructive criticism that is widely taught in basic supervisory training is called the “sandwich.”
Topics: Bringing Out the Best In People, Aubrey Daniels, positive reinforcement, human behavior
Have you ever had your spouse, a supervisor or manager say something like the following to you? “Doug you did a great job on …., but you really need to work on…...”
Topics: Bringing Out the Best In People, Aubrey Daniels, meeting rhythms, positive reinforcement
Maybe it’s because my first measurement of my common sense came from a personality test designed to evaluate my sales capabilities and it exposed me as being naive. Naiveté is the exact description for what I had in their test. In the Objective Management Group of Sales Evaluations we use today (much more scientific) this measurement might have been classified as being too trusting of clients (believe prospects are honest) or not asking hard questions, which is a Hidden Weakness for Record Collection and Emotional Involvement.
Topics: Bringing Out the Best In People, employee performance, Aubrey Daniels, scientific knowledge, common sense
Three Sources of Positive Reinforcement and One You’re Overlooking
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, Sep 26, 2012
We’ve discussed positive reinforcement many times in this blog including my last one on Grandma’s Rule and How the Best Managers and Leaders Deliver Positive Reinforcement.
Topics: Bringing Out the Best In People, Aubrey Daniels, positive reinforcement, Management-Related Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement: Grandma’s Rule Gets Me Home Again
Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Sep 24, 2012
Thursday of last week my Doctor used Grandma’s rule for positive reinforcement on me to ensure I was able to go home on Friday. “As long as you don’t get a fever or have any other complications overnight, we’ll be sending you home tomorrow.” He offered.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Bringing Out the Best In People, Aubrey Daniels, positive reinforcement
One of the dramatic influences I’ve been forced to embrace is change. The Acute Myeloid Leukemia I encountered on February 25th dramatically changed my life. It forced change upon me and it also made me more open to change. In another blog I will discuss these changes more. Today let’s focus on an icon in industry that faced the need to change.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, People, A Players, Topgrading, Greatest Business Decisions of All Time, keys to good decision making
A critical component of the One Page Strategic Plan is determining Your Core Purpose. In Patrick Lencioni’s recent book The Advantage he pronounces clarity as being critical to business growth. To achieve this he asks six questions about your company. The first one, "Why do we exist?" is possibly the most challenging and difficult for a business to agree upon without a leadership team’s dedication, effort and the ability to resolve conflict. And it simply won’t be achieved without the CEO making the commitment first.
Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, People, One Page Strategic Plan, Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage, Southwest Airlines Core Purpose