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Strategic Discipline Blog

Douglas A Wick

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Cascade Your Annual Strategy & Planning

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Fri, Dec 20, 2013

92% of CEO’s feel their leadership team can communicate their strategy!  The same survey revealed that only 2% of their leadership team actually could! 

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Topics: quarterly meetings, themes, Annual Plan, One Page Strategic Plan, Alignment, Strategy Statement, 3-5 year plan

What’s Does Effective Delegation Look Like?

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Dec 16, 2013

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Topics: Business Growth, leadership, manager, Leadership Team, effective delegation

The Number Two Function of Leadership

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, Dec 11, 2013

Monday I spent 8+ hours with one of my clients working on strategic and annual planning for 2014.  I purposely say strategy and planning because they are two separate elements to work on. 

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Topics: leadership, Compounding, Leadership Team, effective delegation

The Number One Function of Leadership

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, Dec 4, 2013

What’s the number one function of a leader?  It’s the ability to predict. 

The fundamental journey of a growing business is to create a predictable engine for generating wealth as it creates products and services that satisfy customer needs and creates an environment that attracts tip talent.” Verne Harnish, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits

Unless a company has the ability to determine where it is today and project where its’ going to be this week, this month, this quarter, and this year, it’s not on a trajectory for growth.  It might not even be on track for survival.  A favorite quote of mine is, "When you’re green you grow, when you’re rip you rot!"

Ultimately the reason for imposing structure and instituting systems is to achieve predictability.

This is why Strategic Discipline is such a critical piece to success.

Determine your priorities. Create and monitor metrics. Develop Meeting Rhythms to build a Cadence of Accountability

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Topics: Strategic Discipline, planning, Annual Plan, leadership, strategy, Leadership Team

Three Barriers to Business Growth - #3 Market Dynamics

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Tue, Dec 3, 2013

The third barrier to business growth is:

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Topics: Business Growth, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, market dynamics, Barriers to Business Growth

Three Barriers to Business Growth - #2 Process

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Wed, Nov 27, 2013

What is preventing your business from growing?  Why do only .3% of the nearly 30 Million US businesses every get beyond $10 Million dollars?

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Topics: Accountability, Business Growth, Work Process Flow Charts, Barriers to Business Growth, Execution

Three Barriers to Business Growth - #1 People

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Nov 25, 2013

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Topics: People, leadership, Barriers to Business Growth, Leadership Team, . The two most important attributes of effective

Why Do People Hate Their Jobs – Employee Feedback

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Thu, Nov 21, 2013

What makes people hate their jobs? What makes them non-productive, complaint-happy zombies? 

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Topics: Employee Feedback, employee engagement, weekly meetings, collective intelligence, employee performance, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits

Discover Leading Indicators in Weekly Meetings

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Nov 18, 2013

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Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Customer Feedback, Employee Feedback, weekly meetings, leading indicators, Bone Marrow Transplant, GVHD, Relationship Drivers

What’s Your Passion? What Are You Best At? (Hedgehog Concept)

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Nov 11, 2013

In The Hedgehog Concept we discussed the intersection of three circles that provide your One Thing Focus for the strategy of your business.  Where do you find or discover the elements that comprise the three circles?   If you’ve completed portions of your One Page Strategic Plan you’ll have made progress toward understanding what these are. 

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Topics: Core Purpose, Grow: How Ideals Power Growth and Profit at the Wo, Patrick Lencioni, Profit per X, Hedgehog Concept, Organizational Health, Brand Promise, BHAG, Brand Ideal

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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Positioning Systems Brand Promise

1. Priorities: Determine your #1 Priority. Achieve measurable progress in 90 days.

2. Metrics: Develop measurable Key Performance Indicators. 

3. Meetings: Establish effective meeting rhythms. (Cadence of Accountability)  Compounding the value of your priority and metrics. 

(BRAND PROMISE GUARANTEE): We will refund all compensation if our disciplined coaching and proprietary tools fail to meet your expectations.

Certified Gazelles Coach

Doug Wick, President

Positioning Systems


The Strategic Discipline Blog focuses on midsize business owners with a ravenous appetite to improve his or her leadership skills and business results.

Our 3 disciplines include:

- Priorities
- Metrics
- Meeting Rhythms

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