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Strategic Discipline Blog

Douglas A Wick

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Clean Your Desk – What’s Your Standard of Excellence

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jul 31, 2023

How do you develop standards of excellence?

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Topics: human behavior, human behavior performance, Danny Meyer, Standards of Excellence, Success Forces, Clean Your Desk, Joe Sugarman

Managing Your Team - Where Should Your Saltshaker Be

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jul 24, 2023

In Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business, Danny Meyer shares a lesson he learned as he struggled to get his team to meet his standards of excellence.

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Topics: Culture of Discipline, Company Culture, Harmonious Culture of Accountability, Danny Meyer, Setting the Table, High Performance Culture

Paint Your Financial Picture - Spencer Sheinin - Metronome’s Tip Top Summit 2023

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jul 17, 2023

Accounting reporting is painful. At Metronome’s Tip Top Business Growth Summit, Spencer Sheinin shared ideas on how to put your financials in a format that can be more easily understood and acted upon.

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Topics: Power of One, The Power of One, Leaders Are Learners, Metronome's Tip Top Business Growth Summit 2023, Financial Reporting, Financial Picture, Spencer Sheinin

Arlene Dickinson – Four Messages Leaders Need to Share With Their Team - Metronome’s Tip Top Summit 2023

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jul 10, 2023

“Learn the lesson in the moment!”

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Topics: leadership, leadership commitment, Leaders Are Learners, Metronome's Tip Top Business Growth Summit 2023

Create an Invincible Company, Alex Osterwalder – Metronome’s Tip Top Summit 2023

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jun 26, 2023

Innovation is just a word in the dictionary.

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Topics: Innovation Process, Innovation, Building Invincible Companies, Alex Osterwalder, Exploration, Exploitation

Elevate Your Team - Robert Glazer - Metronome’s Tip Top Summit 2023

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jun 19, 2023

One of your team has had an unfavorable experience at work. They share it with you.

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Topics: Elevate, Robert Glazer, Metronome's Tip Top Business Growth Summit 2023, Four Elements of Capacity Building, Intellectual Capacity

Customer-Centric Digital Disruption - Thales Teixeria - Metronome’s Tip Top Summit 2023

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jun 12, 2023

Thales Teixeria, author of Unlocking the Customer Value Chain shared this “Did You Know” slide.

Costco: Costco makes a profit entirely due to its membership fees.

Grocery stores: Supermarkets get more profit % from brands who buy shelf space and cap ends than they do from the products they sell.

P&C insurance: Pay $100 per click yet still feel they get an efficient ROI!

FedEx: Has very slim margins. FedEx absolutely, positively must have systems that work consistently.  One phone call complaint, eliminates Profit!

Apple: Like Dell Computers Apple receives your payment before paying for the parts to make your iPhone.

RyanAir: A $15 international plane ticket is profitable because RyanAir makes so much on upgrades from passengers.

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Topics: customer satisfaction metrics, Unlocking the Customer Value Chain, Thales Teixeira, Innovation-Customer Needs Alignment, Metronome's Tip Top Business Growth Summit 2023, Decoupling

Metronome’s Tip Top Summit 2023 - Chip Heath The Power of Moments

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jun 5, 2023

Our lives are measured in moments. Defining moments endure in our memories.

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Topics: Metronome's Tip Top Business Growth Summit 2023, Chip Heath, The Power of Moments, Four Elements of Defining Moments

Backing Up is Not the Same as Backing Down - Metronome’s Tip Top Summit 2023

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, May 29, 2023

When we help Metronomics/3HAG customers build their Swimlanes, we ask them to begin with the end in mind.

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Topics: recruiting, Metronome's Tip Top Business Growth Summit 2023, On the Edge, Team Ego, Alison Levine

Elevate - Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, May 8, 2023

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” —Marianne Williamson

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Topics: Relationship Drivers, superior human relations, Attitude, Challenging Work, Elevate, Robert Glazer, Self-Limiting Beliefs, Energy Vampires

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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Positioning Systems Brand Promise

1. Priorities: Determine your #1 Priority. Achieve measurable progress in 90 days.

2. Metrics: Develop measurable Key Performance Indicators. 

3. Meetings: Establish effective meeting rhythms. (Cadence of Accountability)  Compounding the value of your priority and metrics. 

(BRAND PROMISE GUARANTEE): We will refund all compensation if our disciplined coaching and proprietary tools fail to meet your expectations.

Certified Gazelles Coach

Doug Wick, President

Positioning Systems


The Strategic Discipline Blog focuses on midsize business owners with a ravenous appetite to improve his or her leadership skills and business results.

Our 3 disciplines include:

- Priorities
- Metrics
- Meeting Rhythms

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