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Strategic Discipline Blog

Douglas A Wick

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Inspired Leadership - Contagious Emotions

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Feb 20, 2023

Five-plus years ago I was introduced to the Drama Triangle at our Scaling Up Growth Summits in Dallas. Follow this link and you’ll discover insights into why you behave as you do, why your employees behave as they do, and most importantly how to adjust to produce a better outcome by using an Outcome Orientation versus a Problem Orientation.

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Topics: leadership, Effective Leadership, Leadership Core Behavior, Contagious Emotions

The Value of Swimlanes

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Feb 6, 2023

When I first heard Shannon Susko speaking at one of your Scaling Up Growth Summits on Swimlanes and a 3HAG, I recall being skeptical. I avoided attending her breakout sessions, attending others I felt were more important to my coaching, and my customers’ goals.

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Topics: confidence, Swimlanes, 3 Year Plan, Shannon Byrne Susko, 3HAG

Strategy - Your Differentiating Activities

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jan 30, 2023

Differentiating your business is challenging. It involves dynamic competitors, changing buyer behaviors, market conditions, trends, and frequently changing technology.

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Topics: strategy, strategy decisions, Strategy - How, Differentiation Strategy, 3HAG WAY, Activity Fit Map, 3HAG, Differentiating Activities

Performance Punishment

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jan 23, 2023

Do your best performers leave you?

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Topics: Rewards & Compensation, Scaling Up Compensation, Performance Punishment, People Strategy

The Deficit of Alignment

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jan 16, 2023

The One Page Strategic Plan is a great tool to bring your organization into alignment.

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Topics: Core Purpose, One Page Strategic Plan, Clarity of Purpose, Alignment, Purpose, The One Thing, Core Purpose, Clarity of Purpose,, Nine Lies About Work, Meaning

Borrow Knowledge but TAKE ACTION

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jan 9, 2023

Many people invest a good deal of time making new year’s resolutions.

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Topics: Acute Myeloid Luekemia, Business Dashboards, Build Business Dashboard, Business System, Dashboards, Systems & Process, Atomic Habits, Track Your Progress

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Successful Execution & Strategy

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Jan 2, 2023

There’s one limitation I’ve been unable to overcome: Lack of faith or belief.

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Topics: strategy, Strategy - How, Execution, It's the Same as Strategy, Strategy, A Cascade of Choices

Execution – Why it’s the Same as Strategy

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Dec 26, 2022

In A New Way to Think: Your Guide to Superior Management EffectivenessRoger Martin believes execution is the same as strategy.

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Topics: Execution, strategy decisions, Strategy Decision, Strategy - How, Winning Strategy, Execution What it's the Same As Strategy, Roger Martin, A New Way to Think

Is A Recession Ahead?  How to Prepare for the Unexpected

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Dec 19, 2022

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”

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Topics: Discipline, Strategic Discipline, Purpose, preparation, Resilience, Growth Framework, Recession, Bootcamp

Do Results Drive Engagement

Posted by Douglas A Wick on Mon, Dec 12, 2022

I played and officiated basketball. Somewhere I heard, “Basketball is a game of momentum.”

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Topics: employee engagement, People, Extraordinary Results, People and Process, Experiences & Beliefs Drive Actions & Results

Challenges of Scaling Up a Business 







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Positioning Systems Brand Promise

1. Priorities: Determine your #1 Priority. Achieve measurable progress in 90 days.

2. Metrics: Develop measurable Key Performance Indicators. 

3. Meetings: Establish effective meeting rhythms. (Cadence of Accountability)  Compounding the value of your priority and metrics. 

(BRAND PROMISE GUARANTEE): We will refund all compensation if our disciplined coaching and proprietary tools fail to meet your expectations.

Certified Gazelles Coach

Doug Wick, President

Positioning Systems


The Strategic Discipline Blog focuses on midsize business owners with a ravenous appetite to improve his or her leadership skills and business results.

Our 3 disciplines include:

- Priorities
- Metrics
- Meeting Rhythms

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