At the Growth Summit are many of our Gazelles clients. Verne started the program on Tuesday morning sharing a video promo from NBC on a new prime-time series “School Pride.” It’s extreme make-over for schools. The show tells inspiring stories of communities coming together with public-minded companies like Logical Choice Technologies and many others to renovate aging and broken public schools. Cameras follow students, teachers, parents and community members as they roll up their sleeves and rebuild their own schools, concluding with the unveiling of a brand-new, completely transformed school.
Cynthia Kaye is president and CEO of Logical Choice Technologies. Anyone who has every attended a Rockefeller Habits Two Day workshop is familiar with Cynthia’s video which is also available at In the video she describes how her team created a war room to make everyone accountable to their numbers. It’s an inspiring account of how difficult challenges bring out the best in your business. At the time of the video Logical Choice Technologies was doing approximately $15 Million dollars. As this prime time show begins its third week Cynthia is proud to note that they will close out 2011 over $100 Million.
It’s a testament to the power of Strategic Discipline and Logical Choice Technologies dedication to the Rockefeller Habits tools and resources.
If you have school age children the program will inspire you. Watch it tonight! I hope it will inspire you to recognize how putting strategic discipline in place can mean the difference in your business moving from good to great. More importantly, it should inspire you to realize what your business can achieve when you put your mind and heart into it. Logical Choice Technologies is making a significant impact in the world they serve. It started with a commitment to be the best they could be.
What’s your inspiration? Do you have the necessary discipline to achieve it? Watch “School Pride” tonight and discover how dreams can touch, inspire, and impact so many.