We’ve discussed how innovation occurs in your business previously in What's Your Innovation Process Look Like?
In our previous blog (Employee Feedback and Closing the Loop) we discussed innovation through employee feedback.
Some of the best ideas are stolen, and I’d like to give credit and provide an idea I received this weekend when I attended a new member orientation and welcome meeting at my church, St Mark’s Lutheran Church.
Once our Rockefeller Habits customers discover and publish their Core Values we then work on how to ensure they are “alive” in the company. It’s wonderful to create a set of Core Values, however if they are not shared and being exemplified they lack the impact intended to build your company culture. A checklist we share with our clients is on the right that focuses on a number of Human Relations System elements that impact Core Values deeper into your company’s culture.
One of the smart ideas St. Mark’s offers is a distinction in their membership. Anyone joining St. Marks is not considered a member but rather a “partner.” They make this separation due to their belief that engagement in the church and with Christ occurs deeper when members work together in small groups. Whether it is serving on a committee, in training, education or outreach, partners are encouraged to share their faith and work together toward a relationship with Christ.
St Mark’s Core Values may not be a great deal different from any other church. Where they separate from other parishes is what they invite their “partners” to do with these Core Values. With the exception of one of their six Core Values, each asks the partner to make a measurable commitment to St. Mark’s and their faith.

Look at St. Mark’s six Core Values pictured here on the left and discover the metric they ask each partner to submit. With the exception of SERVE, each requires a commitment to take action on living that Core Value.
The example here is awe-inspiring in terms of getting members to live their faith and actively engage in their congregation. I can tell you from attending St. Marks for the last six months I’ve never seen a more vibrant, active, enthusiastic, faith filled group of “partners” in any church I’ve frequented. How many of you feel compelled to go to your house of worship each week. Since joining I truly look forward to attend to hear the message, the singing, and the people who attend services.
I believe a great part of that engagement is due to this requirement of “partners” to make a measured commitment to participate in St. Mark’s activities and live their faith.
Here’s a challenge for you to consider for your business.
First, ask yourself how well your employees live your Core Values.
Are your Core Values alive and on display each and every day in your business?
Review your Core Values. Can you intentionally require each employee to measure their activities in the direction that demonstrates they “live” them at work each day?
Remember Pearson’s Law? "When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates."
St. Mark’s Covenant requires each “partner” to measure their performance against their Core Values. Inherent in this is St. Mark’s Core Purpose which provides a sincere commitment of faith from each partner.
What measures might your Core Values ask your employees to make? Would you be afraid to ask your employees to make a measured commitment to your Core Values? If so what does that indicate about your company or the people who work for you?
In our Welcome meeting on Saturday, Pastor Perry made no demands on the commitment each of us should make. He allowed that you may be unwilling to make any commitment. His emphasis was on sharing, being active, and that faith in Christ Jesus demands that we actively live it.
Does your business has a meaningful Core Purpose, an aspiration. As Herbert Hoover noted, “.. business needs a lifting purpose greater than the struggle for materialism.”
Lee J. Colan perhaps said it better, "Without a compelling cause, our employees are just putting in time. Their minds might be engaged, but their hearts are not. Meaning precedes motivation."
What would it be like in your organization if every employee made a measured commitment to live your Core Values from the first day they started? What if each employee committed to measure their performance against your Core Values? Would your workplace be more engaged, enthused and productive?
Consider making your Core Values more meaningful by taking this step to ask employees to commit to a measureable action for each of your Core Values.
Today I’m on my way to the Fortune Growth Summit in Orlando, Florida. I hope to provide you with updates from the Summit and eventually provide a short synopsis from each speaker. The Summit starts Tuesday so look for a blog from the Summit on Wednesday, and time permitting another each day through Friday.