Positioning Systems and Gazelles coaches work with thousands of mid-market Growth companies from all over the world. Top performers commit to 3 key disciplines (habits) that both differentiate them AND lead to their consistent success: #1 They consistently apply the Four Decisions content and tools to their daily operational routines; #2 They build into their leaders’ schedules a regular, ongoing commitment to executive education (learning); and #3 They develop and utilize an ongoing accountability relationship with an outside, independent business Coach. In this newsletter we look at why training and education is so critical to growing your business:
Michael Dell is a great example of ongoing Executive learning and education to provide Dell a competitive edge in the PC market. Michael’s quote sums it all up…”Start with smart executives and then keep them smart.”
Any mid-size business that wants to be successful recognizes and applies the principles of training and education to their staff. Leadership succession, growth, and competitive edge come from growing the people in your business. Learning today is one competitive advantage that keeps your business sharp, insures progressive improvement, breeding a culture where knowledge and action produce dynamic results.
One of my clients, Fleck Sales, a beer distributor, takes growing and educating its people seriously. The beer industry is extremely competitive. Craft Brands have introduced new competitive pressures and expanded SKU’s complicating and increasing inventory, turns, and obscuring the retailer’s decision-making on what products to carry. In addition recent trends to sweeter alcoholic beverages put increased competitive pressure to improve last year’s numbers and increase market share.
It’s critical that their sales, merchandising, and delivery people have knowledge of the increasing number of brands they carry to help their retailers make the right choices to improve their bottom line and revenues.
Their distributor Miller Coors provides excellent resources for training and education. Yet these tools are
worthless if they are not resourced and utilized by their staff. Fleck Sales recently embarked on developing training programs not just for entering employees, but mandating each supervisor require a specific designation of courses to be completed by each employee dependent upon their experience and development level.
Several of the staff has already truly embraced the opportunity to learn. Can you guess where these people are headed in the development of their careers at Fleck Sales?
With the number of selections now available with the emerging Craft Brands, Fleck recently required all of their sales staff to be tested to earn the ascending titles of Certified Beer Server, Certified Cicerone, and Master Cicerone.
The practice of learning and education is continuous in this organization. Monthly leadership meetings frequently conclude with the CEO providing a learning and education element.
Too many businesses profess conviction to training and education, yet fail to practice it in action.
Monthly and Quarterly Meetings utilizing Positioning Systems and Gazelles meeting rhythms process embrace and implicitly respond to this fundamental practice. Learning and Education should be a critical part of your Strategic Learning process.
Have you experienced the disappointment of hiring a candidate whom you felt had great potential to succeed in your business, yet never realized their potential?
Perhaps the fault is your businesses inability to provide them with a path to follow to unleash their possibilities through training and education. There’s nothing worse than failing to provide development to someone who is yearning to release their capabilities!
What restrains your business from providing the training and education your people can benefit from?
For a limited time Positioning Systems with the help of Gazelles Growth Institute is providing our readers with several free learning courses as a gift to you.
Outlearn your competition, click here to select a class including:
Patrick Lencioni’s - The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
Liz Wiseman’s - Multipliers
Seth Godin’s - Purple Cow
Jack Stack’s - The Great Game of Business
Fred Reichheld - The Ultimate Question 2.0
Geoff Smart and Randy Street’s - Who: The A Method for Hiring
Sign up for free and choose from these selections to present to your staff at your next leadership meeting.
Positioning Systems is committed to helping our clients have the best people through providing top thought leadership and best practices to our clients. Learn how you can improve your staff’s performance through education and training by selecting a class to develop your people now. This is our gift to you. Do something about it NOW!