The purpose of your One-Page Strategic Plan is to identify and support your company strategy, provide a framework and language to continually evaluate your strategic progress, and provide accountability and responsibility for every staff member to participate in.
If your team doesn't know what your goals are and what the company's ultimate vision is, how they can work to make it happen?
Most business owners know what they want to accomplish, and perhaps they even know how to get there. The problem lies in the fact that this "vision" is often scattered across dozens of pages, memos, or emails. There's no single document that your team can access to get this information. As a result, no one has the time or inclination to ferret it out, which means your team is working without any kind of guiding force to lead the way. Reaching your vision is about 1% Vision and 99% Alignment. The work is in making sure everyone is on the same page. The One Page Strategic Plan is the framework to provide this.
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